Demonstration of an innovative compression solution for hydrogen (COSMHYC DEMO)
Within the COSMHYC DEMO project, COSMHYC compression solution, which combines a metal hydride compressor and a mechanical compressor, will be integrated into a public hydrogen refuelling station (HRS) in a French municipality near Tours. For the grouping of municipalities of the Touraine Valée de l’Indre region (CCTVI) the HRS will be a central part of HySOPARC, an initiative implemented for increasing regional development based on H2 technologies. The HRS will supply a fleet of 700 bar passenger vehicles, 350 bar utility vehicles and a 700 bar garbage truck. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness, versatility, and maturity of the COSMHYC innovative compression solution.
The COSMHYC hybrid compression solution combines a metal hydride compressor and a mechanical compressor. The advantage: the high flow rates and flexibility of the mechanical compression are coupled with the reliability and energy efficiency of metal hydrides compression, enabling an overall cost-efficient solution. The metal hydride compressor uses a thermal effect: the hydrides absorb low pressure hydrogen at low temperature and release high-pressure hydrogen at high temperatures, enabling to reduce maintenance costs and noise disturbance, and to replace the use of electricity with waste heat.
Project Objectives of COSMHYC DEMO:
- Demonstrate reliability, efficiency, and low noise level of the COSMHYC compression solution in real-life condition
- Reduce the costs of the compression and related costs of hydrogen refuelling.
More Informationen:
- Funding: European Commission, Initiative and public-private partnership „Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking" (FCH JU)
- Funding amount: 3 Mio. EUR
- Particpating Countries: Denmark, Germany, France
- Duration: 01/2021 – 12/2023
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Further links
Interview with Dr. Petra Püchner
The COSMHYC project series is comprised of COSMHYC (2017-2021), COSMHYC XL (2019-2022) and COSMHYC DEMO (2021-2023). The projects, coordinated by EIFER (European Institute for Energy Research, Karlsruhe), are developing, prototyping, and demonstrating an innovative compression solution for hydrogen. The new technology is flexible, modular and very efficient and can be applied to various sectors, such as road mobility and transport, rail, industry, and much more.
Keywords: Hydrogen compression, HRS, demonstration project
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