Network supporting smart health technologies (SHIFT-HUB)
To make our European healthcare system fit for future challenges, the extensive use of digital healthcare applications in hospitals, doctors' practices and by patients is necessary.
However, there are many barriers to overcome in the development of these technologies, and acceptance of the applications has so far been low, especially among the older and socially disadvantaged social groups.
Under the coordination of Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, the SHIFT-HUB project team will establish a network by bringing together stakeholders from business, academia, politics and society across Europe to facilitate, promote and increase the adoption of smart health technologies and services.
The approach is based on the guidelines for establishing Digital Innovation Hubs, but complements them with the following factors:
- A gamification-based e-learning journey will raise awareness on smart health technologies, increase competence in digital applications, and promote the adoption of smart health solutions.
- An approach for collaborative development based on open innovation involves in particular SMEs.
- A pilot technical platform with a Health Data Hub, a Smart Health Apps Repository, and an online marketplace supports experimental development based on secure and interoperable data access. The solutions of the community members are presented to the public in a portfolio.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum coordinates the project and contributes with its contacts to the network formation and the exchange with politics. The consortium is completed by other business support organizations, universities with medical faculties, technology experts, and a patient organization.
Project partners
- Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (Coordination)
- Cleyrop
- Knowledge & Innovation Consultynts symvouleftiki monoprosopi epe
- Euopean Digital SME Alliance
- Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis
- Booster Labs S.A.S
- BEIA Consult International SRL
- Mipih
- Universidade do Porto
- Ippocrate AS SRL
- Klinikum der Universität zu Köln
- Asociatia Coalitia Organizatiilor Pacientilor Cu Afectiuni Cronice Din Romania
Further information:
- Funding: European Commission, Horizon Europe
- Project funding for all partners: around 2 Million Euros
- Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2025
- Countries involved: Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania
View project
Further links
Keywords: Smart Health, Digitalisation, Network, Open Innovation
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