Hydrogen Technologies to Decarbonise Glass and Aluminium Industries
In the next 30 years, the glass industry - like other European industries - must be completely decarbonized. The lifetime of a glass furnace is about 12-15 years. So, innovations for glass production are urgently needed now, because the year 2050 is only 2 furnaces away.
The Horizon Europe-funded H2GLASS project aims to develop the technologies glass manufacturers need to meet climate targets and make their sector sustainable. 23 project partners from 8 European countries are working from 01/2023 to 12/2026 to implement 100% hydrogen combustion in glass production plants, replacing environmentally harmful fuel gases (NOx).
In parallel, the project addresses product quality and production safety and builds a digital twin that will greatly simplify system maintenance and production control.
In 5 use-cases of European glass manufacturers (Steklarna Hrastnik, Vetrobalsamo, Zignago Vetro, PTML Pilkington, Owens Corning) and one aluminium factory (Hydro Havrand) - to demonstrate the transferability of the hydrogen solution to other sectors – a portable electrolyser will be used and provide green hydrogen. H2GLASS will provide important insights into the use of hydrogen in the glass industry and demonstrate that green and clean innovations are compatible with economic viability: the H2GLASS innovations will potentially lead to 10,000 new jobs, as well as revenues for industry partners of €1-5 billion, while reducing emissions by approximately 80%.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum is responisble for the work package communication, dissemination and exploitation of the project results.
Weitere Informationen:
- Project name: advancing Hydrogen (H2) technologies and smart production systems TO decarbonise the GLass and Aluminium SectorS, H2GLASS
- Duration: 01/2023 – 12/2026
- EU funding for all partners: 23,3 MEUR
- Participating countries: Norway, Italy, Germany, Sloviena, Spain, Belgium, France, United Kingdom
Contact us!

- Phone: +49 721 935191 30
- Email: marie-eve.reinert@steinbeis-europa.de
Contact us!

- Phone: +49 721 935191 30
- Email: marie-eve.reinert@steinbeis-europa.de