Embodied AI and Robotics Applications for a Safe, Human-oriented Industry (EARASHI)
The introduction of automated machines and robots and the interaction between those and workers in European production plants has in the past years led to productivity increases and better working conditions but also to increasing challenges both with regard to safe handling of these machines with changing working conditions.
The EARASHI project will support start-ups and SMEs in the uptake of advanced digital eco-responsible technologies - in particular in the areas of AI, data and robotics - to help workers in their daily activities and improve their working conditions. Through open calls, 10 beneficiaries will get access to leading edge technologies and test facilities, business support, mentoring, support in Ethics, systems integration and user acceptance. The selected projects will focus on improving work conditions, worker trust and acceptance of collaborative robotic systems in production machines.
As a project partner Steinbeis Europa Zentrum has the main roles in mapping the ecosystem of relevant stakeholders regionally, nationally and EU-wide and develop and implement a user acceptance methodology to ensure that the AI and robotics technologies developed and used in the project meet the needs of all stakeholders, is user-friendly, and provides value to end-users, i.e. shop floor workers.
Further information:
- Funding: European Commission, Horizon Europe (GA Nr.101069491)
- Project funding for all partners: 5 million EUR
- Participating countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain
- Project duration: 09/2022 - 02/2026
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