Information event on European innovation funding | 8th July 2019 | StuttgartUnicorn or Transformer in Baden-Württemberg

The information day provided information on a wide range of regional, national and private funding opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises in Baden-Württemberg. A special focus was on the new EU funding instruments "Pathfinder" and "Accelerator" within the framework of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. Jean-David Malo, Director of Open Innovation and Open Science at the European Commission, presented the European Innovation Council as a new opportunity for innovators. During lectures, roundtables and personal consultations, the participants received an overview of various innovation funding and financing options - from start-up BW Pre-Seed to ZIM, from venture capital to the offers of the L-Bank, Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft BW and Börse Stuttgart.
Around 400 participants came to Stuttgart Wagenhallen to get informed and learn more about the funding opportunities.
Organiser: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg, Enterprise Europe Network, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
Participants: over 400
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