13th VERT ForumHorizon Europe project AeroSolfd and its tailpipe retrofit solution

Presenting the latest news on the effects of ultrafine particle emissions and their mitigation tools the VERT Forum is set to take place on 21st March 2023 at EMPA in Dübendorf, Switzerland. The event will showcase the newest ‘best available technologies’ (BAT) for tailpipe nano-particle emissions (retrofit / new periodical technical inspection (NPTI) etc.) but also for non-tailpipe like emissions from tires, brakes, in-cabin, viruses, global warming and more.
"We are excited to host the VERT Forum 2023 at the EMPA facility in Switzerland," said Dr. Rubino, chief executive officer of VERT-Association. "This is an exceptional opportunity to showcase our emission control technologies, and exchange ideas and knowledge with an enthusiastic audience. We look forward to welcoming industry leaders and experts to share and learn from each other."
VERT is an international association of emission control system manufacturers, implementing the best available technology for emission reduction as particle filters, catalytic converters, and particulate measurement devices. Its members are stakeholders in the emission reduction industry, test institutions, engine manufacturers and academics. VERT’s goal is to facilitate technologies and promote policies and programs to improve air quality by effectively reducing toxic emissions from internal combustion engines.
One of the highlights will be the tailpipe retrofit within the Horizon Europe project AeroSolfd. The project is focussing on developing market-ready retrofit solutions to immediately decrease the harmful effects on health and the environment of transport-related emissions with effective filtration devices. AeroSolfd will deliver affordable, easy-to-install and environmentally friendly retrofit solutions to reduce tailpipe and brake emissions and pollution in (semi-)closed environments. VERT-Association as an invaluable project partner will provide AeroSolfd with, among other things, a tailpipe retrofit filter and retrofit schemes to advise policymakers on how to proceed to improve urban air.
Furthermore, project coordinator MANN+HUMMEL will introduce the AeroSolfd solutions for reducing brake dust emissions and pollution in (semi-)closed spaces like metro stations.
Limiting the harmful effects of transport-related emissions on health and the environment is urgently needed in the transition towards cleaner mobility. Events like the VERT Forum make an important contribution to raising awareness on the topic and connecting relevant parties.
AeroSolfd is coordinated by MANN+HUMMEL, Germany. The consortium - composed of large industrial players, renowned scientific institutes and lighthouse demo sites from eight European countries - has joined forces to realise the quick deployment of three low-cost retrofit solutions so that people in Europe and beyond can benefit already by 2025 from cleaner mobility and a healthier environment. Steinbeis Europa Zentrum as a project partner is responsible of the administrative project management, the communication and dissemination activities as well as the exploitation of project results.
For further information:
Lars Larsen, lcl@kwlt.dk
+45 29 33 15 03
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