EU-Project SMARTeeSTORYEU-project SMARTeeSTORY turns historical buildings into climate neutral landmarks through smartification

Genoa, 23/05/2023
The 13 European partners of SMARTeeSTORY met from 22-23 May 2023 in Genova, Italy, to kick-off their Horizon Europe-funded four-year project.
The meeting provided an opportunity for the consortium to introduce themselves, discuss objectives, and establish a roadmap for the project's successful completion.
SMARTeeSTORY accelerates the digital transformation of historical non-residential buildings in Latvia, the Netherlands and Spain. By combining energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and digital and smart technologies, the project strives to turn local historic landmarks into climate neutral buildings while, at the same time, preserving their unique identity.
Historical buildings are important landmarks of European cities, which is why they play a crucial role in showcasing the benefits of the green and digital transition to the general public. Due to their high energy consumption and challenging retrofitting requirements, however, a dedicated approach is required. SMARTeeSTORY therefore applies a replicable and customisable technological infrastructure to maximise energy efficiency and occupant well-being based on the historic buildings’ unique features and potential.
“For best results, SMARTeeSTORY demonstrates the proposed digital solutions in three real-life demonstration sites located in different climatic regions, where energy renovation is not an option. We will gather and share lessons learnt so that there will be even more digitalisation of historic buildings in the future, across Europe and beyond,” says Matteo Porta, RINA-C, Project Coordinator.
SMARTeeSTORY actively promotes the exchange of knowledge and best practices among stakeholders, including building owners, energy service companies, and public authorities. To do so, the project will organise workshops, site visits, training sessions, and networking events to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among related initiatives and projects, as well as with external audiences.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, as one of the project partners, is responsible for the dissemination of the project results and communication activities toward the international audience.
The SMARTeeSTORY consortium consists of the following members:
- Rina Consulting Spa, Italy
- Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Spain
- Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands
- Riga Municipal Agency "Riga Energy Agency", Latvia
- Rigas Tehniska Universitatespa, Latvia
- Pellini Spa, Italy
- Agencia Andaluza De La Energia, Spain
- Cuerva Energia Slu, Spain
- Fundacion Cartif, Spain
- Schneider Electric Spa, Italy
- Exus Software Monoprosopi Etairia Periorismenis Evthinis, Greece
- Tera Srl, Italy
- Steinbeis Europa Zentrum, Germany
Project Coordinator
Matteo Porta, RINA-C
Main Press Contact
Bettina Remmele, Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH
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