Europäische KommissionClean Energy for EU Islands Forum

Clean Energy for EU Islands Forum | 20.- 21.05.2021
As lead partner for communication and partner in the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum hosted the secretariat’s Clean energy for EU islands Forum in May 2021. The secretariat was established by the European Commission and the European Parliament to facilitate the transition to clean energy on islands in the EU.
The digital conference, held on the online platform brella, was a flagship conference for the island community with around 270 participants and more than 50 speakers. Kadri Simson, EU Commissioner for Energy, gave the opening speech. The two-day programme included matchmaking activities (ACT), exhibitions (EXPLORE), demo site visits (EXPLORE), working sessions (ACT), plenary sessions (SHAPE & EXPLORE) and project presentations (ACT). Participants had the opportunity to network in one-on-one meetings for two days. Interactive programme points made the island flair digitally tangible; the digital live visit to the island of Samsø with a presentation of its energy supply and the video series: "Messages from the islands".
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