Sustainable MobilityClean and smart solutions for transport

Sustainable mobility is a priority for the EU, as climate neutrality can only be achieved through a green and digital transformation of the transport sector, which already accounts for a quarter of the EU's greenhouse gas emissions. The Green Deal therefore aims to reduce these emissions by 90% by 2050, compared to 1990.

Mobility is also a key sector for Europe's competitiveness and has a direct impact on our daily lives. The European Commission provides substantial funding to promote, for example, clean solutions for all modes of transport and the development of infrastructure. Road traffic as well as shipping and aviation are included in the funding programmes. A variety of technologies (e.g. electromobility, fuel cells) and fuels (e.g. hydrogen, biofuels or so-called e-fuels) can thus be further developed and optimised. The focus, however, must always be on the benefits for society and economy.

In order to make mobility systems safer, more resilient and more intelligent, the European Commission also supports projects for automated mobility and intelligent applications. Benefit-oriented and digital technologies and services are desired to ensure safe, efficient, clean and intelligent transport for people and goods in the 21st century.

Would you like to advance your projects in the field of transport and mobility?  

Feel free to contact us for a personal meeting or take a look at our services, our funding database and various events.

Success Stories MobilityRead more about our successfull clients

Auxiliary components in fuel cell systems for a clean automotive future

Success Story
Industrielle Power-to-Liquid Anlage Foto: INERATEC

Synthetic fuels for everyone

Success Story

Future hydrogen technologies

Success Story

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    Frederik Bischler
    Paul Haering
    Dr. Marie-Eve Reinert
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    Frederik Bischler
    Paul Haering
    Dr. Marie-Eve Reinert

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