Impulses for your innovation policy
Do you want to understand which innovation-relevant strategies and programmes of European institutions are important for you? Are you looking for the right contacts in Brussels for your innovation topics? We make sure that you can make better use of the diverse topics and contacts in areas such as new technologies, regional transformation, sustainability in the economy, and much more. We are by your side to advise you with our knowledge of European strategies and framework conditions in the field of innovation and regional development supporting you to achieve your economic policy goals.
Our service package - We connect European innovation policy with practice
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum analyses European strategies and programmes in relation to innovation-relevant topics according to your needs. We advise you on funding measures and contact relevant European actors on your behalf. Through our strong presence in European bodies and networks, we have direct access to many key European decision-makers. We know the innovation regions of Europe and support European and interregional exchange.
Using EU innovation policy
It is essential to understand the context of EU innovation policy behind the various programmes and regulations. We can support you in identifying and making use of the relevant topics and programmes at an early stage.
We can collate existing information and texts and prepare analyses and recommendations for actions, based on your needs
Innovation policy exchange with European regions
Through our strong connection to over 50 innovation regions in Europe, we support exchange and peer learning between regions and stakeholders. We identify regional "good practices", shape communication campaigns and disseminate them across Europe.
Support for the testing of new measures and pilot projects
In a regional, interregional or international context, joint pilot projects to test new technologies, services or framework conditions play an important role. We can support the identification of suitable partners and regions and help you identify possible funding opportunities.
Shaping innovation-relevant framework conditions
We can engage in decision-making processes on your behalf through our exchange with political decision-makers at European level. We can provide information about decision-making process opportunities for you to engage with, such as public consultations and calls for expert panels.
Success Stories innovation policyRead more about our successfull projects & partners
Further servicesEnabling Innovators to Grow
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