EnergyTowards a sustainable and secure energy supply

The EU aims to digitally transform its mobility, energy, construction and production systems so that Europe will become the world's first carbon-neutral and sustainable economy. The goal is an efficient, sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply. This is to be achieved through new smart grid and energy system solutions in the renewable energy sector, such as renewable energy systems, grids and storage as well as carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS).

This transformation of energy systems should be achieved with the help of research and innovation measures that reduce the overall energy demand and make the energy supply climate neutral. The focus is on promoting three central measures: 1) European global leadership through low-cost, safe and sustainable renewable energy technologies, 2) ensuring cost-efficient and low-cost energy supply to households and industries from renewables and other low-carbon energy sources through efficient approaches to energy management and optimisation of the interplay between generators, consumers, grids, infrastructures and vectors, and 3) carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) to mitigate CO2 emissions from electricity generation and industrial applications.

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Success Stories EnergyRead more about our successfull clients

Projektpartner EXUN, Foto: Bertalan Alapfy, TUM

Innovation Management in EU-Projects - Small hydropower for Central Asia

Success Story
CURVE B Brushes, Copyright ECILIMP Termosolar SL_Spain

Boost for solar energy and CSP plants

Success Story

New momentum for solar process heat

Success Story

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    Frederik Bischler
    Charlotte Schlicke
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    Frederik Bischler
    Charlotte Schlicke

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