Industry 5.0, robotics, photonics, artificial intelligence, intelligent and sustainable production and manufacturing technologies as well as new materials are just some of the areas where we support our customers. We’re your number one partner in Germany for securing EU project funding. With over 150 project participations in Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe, our expertise helps clients achieve major innovation breakthroughs. We assist you in acquiring substantial funding and connecting you with excellent innovation partners across Europe.
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EU-FUNDING TOPICSHow the EU is promoting our future
Are you planning an innovative project in the fields of digitalisation or sustainable production? If so, you have excellent prospects of securing EU funding with our support. With our deep knowledge of the EU's digital and green strategy, we make sure your project aligns with cutting-edge trends like circular economy, climate-neutral production, and AI-driven processes.
The EU strategy for digital transformation is characterised by the dual approach of 'green and digital.' It promotes digital technologies, advanced computing, big data, Next Generation Internet, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Manufacturing technologies will also play a prominent role in the future. Efficient, digitalised production technologies and processes designed for a circular economy are aimed at achieving high productivity, resilience, climate neutrality, and improved working conditions.
Technology-driven manufacturing methods should ensure high precision and clean production, incorporating strategies for reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling within the value chain. New materials must also be sustainable, recyclable, and compatible with the circular economy.
A particular focus is on establishing a robust European industrial and technological presence within a greener digital supply chain. The EU emphasises the human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies, promoting inclusion and quality jobs.
Clean, low-waste production based on innovative product-service systems, digital infrastructures, and systems are key drivers for low-carbon, clean industries. Other important aspects include machine learning, digital twins, human-robot interaction, and technical innovations in design, engineering, and logistics, as well as bio-inspired manufacturing methods that optimise productivity, resource efficiency, and recycling automation.
Get Started - Ready to drive your digital and sustainable innovation forward? Let’s talk about how we can help you secure EU funding and connect with the right partners for your next project.
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