Our services for cities and communitiesshaping a sustainable future
Your path to EU funding
What funding programs and opportunities are available for cities and communities?
We identify suitable EU funding and connect you with strategic partners and ecosystems at EU level. We support your application and help with all further steps.
Your guide to regional and social transformation
How do I accompany the transformation of my city or community on its way toward the future?
We analyse your transformation strategies, provide you with access to capacity building offers and connect you with inspiring representatives of cities and communities from all over Europe.
New international partnerships
Want to learn from already experienced, sustainable cities and communities in Europe?
We connect you with experienced representatives of sustainable cities or communities, and interdisciplinary organisations in the ecosystem "future-proof city" (e.g. universities, companies) and thus enable an exchange of experience and learnings with peers.
Plan and execute events
Are you looking for professional management for your event?
We organise local, regional, national and international events for you with a focus on innovation and transformation.
Training and knowledge transfer
Are you looking for trainings for EU project applications, EU project management or in the field of innovation?
We offer trainings for EU project proposal writing for beginners, but also for advanced learners. If your project has already been approved and you would like to refresh your knowledge on EU project management, we are here to support you. We can also support your city or community with trainings on the topic of innovation.
Contact us!
- Phone: +49 711 2524 2037
- Email: regine.wehner@steinbeis-europa.de
Contact us!
- Phone: +49 711 2524 2037
- Email: regine.wehner@steinbeis-europa.de