EU projects since 2014
0million Euro
Funding for EU projects since 2022

We support our customers in bioeconomy, agriculture and forestry, sustainable food systems, environmental protection and the restoration of resilient ecosystems. Did you know that we are the number one company for EU projects in Germany, with 150 project participations in Horizon2020 und Horizon Europe? Be part of the next project! We assist you in acquiring substantial funding and connecting you with excellent innovation partners across Europe.

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EU-FUNDING TOPICSHow the EU is promoting our future

Are you planning an innovative project in the fields of bioeconomy, agriculture, forestry, food, environment or nature based solutions? If so, you have excellent prospects of securing EU funding with our support. Our expertise will significantly enhance your chances of submitting a successful EU proposal.

The EU's innovation measures focus on the interplay between biodiversity, food, health, water, and climate, as well as the restoration of healthy and resilient ecosystems. The European Green Deal and the EU Biodiversity Strategy aim to facilitate ecological recovery and the reorientation of agricultural and forestry systems.

The transition to sustainable food systems is crucial for addressing these challenges. The ‘Farm-to-Fork’ strategy is designed to enable a shift toward fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food systems.

In the area of bio-based circular economy and bioeconomy, integrated circular solutions for biogenic material flows and value chains are funded. This includes sustainable bio-based systems, sustainable forestry, small-scale bio-solutions for rural areas, and aquatic value chains. Achieving ‘zero environmental pollution’ is a top priority. The focus is on the transition from a fossil-based economy to a bio-based economy where renewable biomass is used and converted into value-added products such as food, feed, fertilisers, bio-based materials and fuels.

To enhance environmental protection, the EU promotes sustainable development that integrates environmental considerations with a resource-efficient economy and society. A key objective is to implement a green and resource-efficient economy and industrial policy. The circular economy and the associated extended lifecycle of products are also vital in this context.

In these and other areas you benefit from our extensive experience.

Contact us!

Melanie Gralow
Maëva Pratlong
Kristina Bitter
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Contact us!

Melanie Gralow
Maëva Pratlong
Kristina Bitter

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