Meet & Match Cell and Gene Therapy

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This Meet & Match event provides insights into current trends and technologies in the area of innovative cell and gene therapies from Baden-Württemberg and the United Kingdom.

Both countries are in excellent positions in the field with strong clusters of innovative companies and applied research institutions. The event highlights current topics and innovative developments in the field and offers networking opportunities for representatives in research and development from companies and applied research. Thereby, the event encourages to establish new contacts, business relations as well as to initiate cooperations or joint developments between stakeholders from Baden-Württemberg and the United Kingdom.

Why participate?

  • Inspiring lectures on current trends in the field
  • Present your company or research group in the short presentation session (application is mandatory, number of participants is limited, the selection is made by the organiser)
  • Present your company/research institution with a short profile as well as your offers and partners/technologies your organization is currently looking for
  • Establish new contacts and initiate collaborations and projects by taking part in the one-on-one online meetings in the afternoons.

This Meet & Match is part of the activities of the Economic Partnership Initiative Baden-Württemberg | United Kingdom of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg. It is jointly organised by BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg with support of the Department for International Trade, Scottish Development International, Welsh Government, London & Partners and the cluster MedCity as well as the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA).

The participation is free of charge. Registration is mandatory. Further information will follow shortly.

If you would like to express your interest in this event and be kept up to date, please send a message to the contact details above.


Register here


Economic Partnership Initiative Baden-Württemberg | United Kingdom of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg.


Organised by:

  • BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg
  • Department for International Trade, Scottish Development International
  • Welsh Government
  • London & Partners
  • cluster MedCity
  • Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA)

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