Danube Transfer CentresDr. Jonathan Loeffler and Miljana Cosic visited Craiova, South West Oltenia Region, Romania

17. Oktober 2024
Photo: RDA SWO

During the second week of October, our CEO Dr Jonathan Loeffler, together with Miljana Cosic visited Craiova, South West Oltenia Region, Romania.

The visit, hosted by the Regional Development Agency South West Oletnia included the cooperation meeting with General Director and Vice Directors of the RDA and the thematic discussion with the representatives Universities, Research and Technology Transfer centers and SMEs from the South West Oltenia Region. The focus of the discussions was on straightening regional innovation ecosystem, especially considering regional S3 priorities and further possible cooperations on the interregional level.

Valuable conversations have been fulfilled by visiting Aerospace research Institute (INCAS), Aircraft factory and Technology Transfer Centre at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

In addition, our colleagues participated the Horizon Europe Project TWIN SYNERGIES and Interreg DRP Project Culinary Trail meetings, for rounding this dynamic visit.

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