Destination: Cross-cutting activities (HORIZON EUROPE)
This cross-cutting action advances the EU Mission objectives by setting up a European social innovation network. It leverages three different instruments:
- A Coordination and Support Action (CSA) will set up a network to build the capacity of social innovators and entrepreneurs, and impact investors;
- A Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) action will set up a framework to increase the impact of EU funding by attracting additional, non-EU funds in the form of private and public contributions and scale up social innovation projects thanks to a networked fund holding EU and non-EU contributions;
- One or several Specific Grant Agreements (SGAs) will implement the above budget-less FPA action.
Expected impacts:
Proposals for topics should set out a credible approach to creating a social innovation network and more specifically to the following impacts:
- the integration of social innovation in the EU Missions;
- the identification of existing, demonstrably successful social innovations, as established by qualitative and quantitative data, that enjoy a real potential for scaling, as attested by credible scaling plans, in support of the EU Missions;
- a network composed of entities interested in scaling up social innovation projects as well as entities interested in investing in such social innovation ventures;
- an interface between the EU Missions and the network to match the demand for and supply of social innovation solutions as well as social innovation investment;
- the foundation for a financial Framework Partnership Agreement to create a networked catalytic fund to scale up social innovations;
- a stronger social innovation funding environment;
- the engagement of social innovation actors including philanthropy;
- the identification of social innovation projects relevant to the EU Missions. Note: “social innovation” refers to “existing, demonstrably successful social innovations, as established by qualitative and quantitative data, that enjoy a real potential for scaling, as attested by credible scaling plans” in the remainder of the document, specifically, in the descriptions of the CSA, the FPA, and the SGA that follow.
Call topics mit der Einreichungsfrist 25.09.2024:
- HORIZON-MISS-2024-CROSS-01-01: A European Social Innovation Advisory Network in support of EU Mission Objectives
- HORIZON-MISS-2024-CROSS-01-02: Framework Partnership Agreement for a European Networked Catalyst Fund for Social Innovation in Support of the Missions
- HORIZON-MISS-2024-CROSS-02-01: Experimental local action for EU missions: knowledge institutions as focal points of transdisciplinary research and innovation activities with European outreach
Budget: 17,5 MEUR
Vollen Text des Arbeitsprogramms " Missions and Cross-cutting Activities" (2023-2025) finden Sie hier.
Name des Förderprogramms
Horizon EuropeBudget
17,5 MEURAbgabe
25.09.2024Kontaktieren Sie uns!

Regine Wehner
- Tel: +49 711 2524 2037
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Regine Wehner
- Tel: +49 711 2524 2037
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