Ukrainian start-up delegation in #THE LÄND
The idea of organising a delegation trip for Ukrainian start-ups to Baden-Württemberg was born in 2022 as a joint initiative of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism and Dr Petra Püchner, Commissioner for Europe of the Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg.
We are delighted that the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg and its Start-up BW state campaign will once again support the preparation and accompaniment of the visit of 11 Ukrainian start-ups as part of the "Start-up BW Discovery Tour" and the "Start-up BW Summit 2024".
On 11 July 2024, the Ukrainian start-ups will present their ideas and products at the Start-up BW Summit 2024. Visit this year's delegation at the "LÄND of Opportunities" to network, exchange ideas and learn from each other.
As a partner in the Enterprise Europe Network, the Steinbeis Europa Zentrum supports international exchange between SMEs and initiates transnational cooperation to promote innovation across Europe.
If you would like to find out more or establish contact with the Ukrainian start-ups, please get in touch with us.
Participants of this year's Ukrainian delegation trip:
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