Successful project proposal6.5 million euros EU funding for BioFibreLoop project and bio-based circular textile industry - Successful application for Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF)

Steinbeis Europa Zentrum has successfully supported Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF) in the proposal process. The BioFibreLoop innovation project with partners from 9 countries has received 6.5 million euros for three and a half years from the EU in the Horizon Europe programme. The focus is on the development of recyclable outdoor-, active- and workwear made from renewable bio-based materials with biomimetic functionalities. This will pave the way for a circular and sustainable textile industry.
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum supports project implementation
Steinbeis Europa Zentrum is one of the 13 project partners and supports DITF and the other partners in administrative and financial project management. It is also responsible for the communication, dissemination and exploitation of the project results. The innovation managers use their great expertise to develop solid exploitation strategies, action plans and business models for commercially exploitable project results and ensure the management of intellectual property and a targeted transfer of knowledge.
The BioFibreLoop project - on the way to a sustainable textile industry
The textile industry is dependent on intelligent innovations, as increasing regulations and the ban on hazardous chemicals require a rethink. The following challenges need to be overcome:
- Avoidance of hazardous chemicals
- Reduction of water usage
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Increased use of durable & recyclable bio-based materials
- Providing smart functionalities to fulfil the needs of consumers
- Digitalising their processes to become more efficient and close the loop towards circular economy
BioFibreLoop will revolutionise the functionalisation of textiles with non-hazardous chemicals by reducing the use of hazardous chemicals by 100% while still meeting consumer needs for smart functionalities. By using laser technology, natural morphologies will be mimicked to achieve fabrics and garments with functions such as water and oil repellence, self-cleaning and antibacterial activity. The project will deliver affordable, resource and environmentally friendly, yet high-performance and durable textiles made of renewable sources like lignin, cellulose and polylactic acid (PLA) for end markets. All processes aim to enable effective circularity and recycling up to near-zero waste biomimetic functionalisation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2035.
The technology for functionalisation and recycling of bio-based materials will be developed at three industrial demonstrations in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany. At the end of the project a patented circular, sustainable and reliable process for the production of recyclable functional textiles will be validated and demonstrated on a large scale.
„We are enthusiastically coordinating this exciting EU project, in which we are researching new, bio-based textile materials and processes and bringing them to market maturity. We are thus taking a further step towards a sustainable circular economy. We are very pleased to have Steinbeis Europa Zentrum on board as a competent and professional partner for project management, communication and exploitation and look forward to a constructive collaboration. Thank you Steinbeis for your excellent support with the application!“
Dr. Eng. Thomas Fischer, Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung (DITF), project coordinatorKontaktieren Sie uns!

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